I’m a dreamer at heart with a bachelor in media, aesthetics and narrative, as well as library and information science, trying to figure out life during these turbulent and often scary times we live in. I put cats on pedestals (rightly so), try to crochet and even less so knit, pop my head out every time it starts to rain, talk to my plants, hug trees and sometimes people, love banana pancakes, spinach soup and chocolate, like to listen to scary podcasts on the train and sing when I’m alone.
I have always wanted to work with the written word, and, depending on life situation, jumped back and forth between pursuing life as an author, to screenwriter, to narrative designer for games. It would be great to do something creative to make some change in the world.
Country: Sweden
City: Skövde
ZenGarden.club is proud to introduce Rebecka as one of our winning writers!  See the list of her ZenGarden awards below.  Click on any picture to read the complete story.
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