Fleur 2020-05 - Azalea
And the Winners are ...
Judge's Comments
Special thanks to judge Dr. David A. Ross, who took time off from his busy summer school teaching schedule to read all the Azalea stories, pick his winners and give comments and feedback. We always appreciate your input, David!
Alone and Waiting – by Juma – WINNER
The winning piece has the virtues of compression and a final line that functions as a fairly devastating turning point, undercutting the sentimentality of the preceding lines with a mortal reduction of everything to brutal bodily fact. Certainly it was the best line of the contest.
Circle of Life – by Clara and Kate – Finalist Honors
This story has the virtue of clean colloquial prose (“My grandma has always loved azaleas but I’ve never known why they are so important to her… until we found ourselves at the hospital saying our final goodbyes”) and convincing dialogue (“Come on guys”). My only quibble is that a word or two might have clarified the slightly ambiguous “booth” that features in grandma and grandpa’s first date.
Red Azalea Dreams – by Juma – Finalist Honors
The contrast between the gardener’s bluff indignation (“You can imagine how I feel about that!”) and his louche dreams of murder (“A slim figure lounges on the couch, ebony hair half-covering her habitual frown”) creates compelling black comedy.
Summer Long Ago – by Sophia Still – Finalist Honors
The awareness of one’s own gradual loss of awareness is perhaps the most psychologically complex and poignant of all human crises (see the depiction of HAL’s demise in 2001: A Space Odyssey). Resisting melodrama and for the most part sentimentality, this story depicts the moment when loss and awareness of loss are in brief and painful equilibrium. This is mature subject matter impressively handled by a young person.
Other Finalists
Recuperating – by Rebecka Pettersson
Public Voting Winners
Congratulations to all our Public Voting winners! All three of these winners are new to our ZenGarden.club – welcome and congratulations!
We hope you will continue to share this month’s stories with friends and family, colleagues and coworkers! Reading a floral flash fiction story is a great way to start any day.
Learn more about the contest which inspired these stories:
Fleur 2020-05 Azalea