It was winter and everyone thought the forest was sleeping. Only occasional trails in the snow showed there was some living creature passing by and trying to survive the cold. But the corner of my left eye caught something. Maybe it was an old, dry leaf that somehow survived the winter hanging on the tree, and now decided to fall on the frosted soil. Oh, here it happened again! My right eye caught the movement. No, no, it is wasn’t a leaf! It wasn’t a twig moving because of the cool wind. It was her! Beautiful and amazing! Fairy! First I heard her laughing like a small kid while swinging higher and higher. And then I finally saw her. Long hairs, pompous violet gown hiding seductive curves. She was singing and playing the guitar made of the dry leaf. Dancing and jumping from one frosted blade of grass to another. Then she stopped for a few seconds attracted by the amazing colour of the first spring flower – beautiful purple crocus. Just standing there in all of her beauty, as nice as the flower. I kept that picture with me forever! After admiring the crocus she started to sing, dance and laugh again and jumped in the flower as it were some kind of pool. Her long hair was peeking out of the crocus petals. The hair was petals, the petals were hair.
I couldn’t hold my breath anymore; my breathing meant the end of all this magic! Fairy heard me. She peeked from the crocus, looking like a princess on the big, soft bed. I caught her dark eyes and all the life she had in them. For a moment it seemed that her long, delightful hair turned into crocus petals. And then she – disappeared. Only the crocus left there, growing from the snow, breaking the cold, but my Fairy of the Crocus was gone. Ever since then I’m searching for her in every crocus that I find on my path. And in each crocus, I see her hair.
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Learn more about the contest which inspired this story:  Fleur 2020-01 – Crocus
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