Back when I was a child, I would sit in front of the computer and type the title of a new book I had fantasized into the white document. But it was always just the title; I couldn’t write. Then, with my childhood best friend, we began to explore the idea of making books. I don’t think we’ve ever finished one, yet the exhilarating feeling of starting a new book and the feverish excitement of getting up and running to the computer made all of it invaluable.
After, I started writing on my own: realistic fiction, sci-fi, murder mysteries, fantasy—even fanfiction—were just a few of the genres that I experimented with. My end goal was to publish my own manuscript; I just needed to know how to do it. I tried, once, twice, thrice, but I found that I didn’t have the motivation to write the last words. Instead, I thought of writing short stories and entering competitions. Maybe that would give me more incentive due to a deadline and an alluring prize. And, ladies and gentlemen, that’s why you’re here today, reading this short biography of my writing “career.” Thank you, Zen Garden, for this amazing website and for inspiring me to write more. Someday, I will write that last word, sit back, and think, “wow, I made this.”
Country: Canada
Province: Ontario
City: Markham