Dear garden,
I have watched you grow from the time of your birth. I conceived you the day I said to myself, “I should have a garden of my own. My degree in horticulture and floriculture shouldn’t be for others only. I deserved you.” So I tilled the grounds and made beds for your flowers. I dug deep holes for your trees. In greens and trees and shrubs, I started out. In yellows and purples and reds, I planted. The pale blue sky above as my canopy. The rains to make you grow. The sun to cast beautiful shadows because of you. My neighbors started admiring, so I continued to tend and water you. I weeded and planted more. Then I watched and waited.

I saw you bloom as flowers came to life. I danced around in happiness. I saw you become fruitful as vegetables and fruits sprouted. I leapt for joy. I made bubbles just to show you how happy I was. I am still happy with you. Thanks for not letting me down in harsh weathers. Thanks for giving my mum joy. Yeah, I know she sits on the deck chair every evening just to watch you. She enjoys your company just as much as I do. Don’t worry, I’m not jealous. I’m glad to share your magic with her.

Continue being good, continue to bring joy to us. Continue to give us some of our daily bread and maybe I’ll add more colors to you. Maybe fertilizer can increase your beauty, who knows. Stay colorful, stay cheerful, stay magical.

With love from your adorable owner,

Learn more about the author:

Ebube Anochili

Learn more about the contest which inspired this story:  Photo Flora 2019-03 – Garden Magic
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